Secrets of day Trading Methods

Thursday, June 28, 2012

FTSE Trading Report - 28 June 2012

We have the EU summit starting today so if there is any good news that comes out of this we could be back at 5600 again. If investors do not like the news then the market will sell off from current levels.  The line in the sand for this bearish trend is 5720. Unless we see prices trade above here the trend is firmly down.

This morning I want to target the magnet at #### (CLIENTS ONLY) but we are trading too close at present.

To access the full report, the magnet, the lifestyle trade and the medium term forecast simply sign up below-

My FTSE trading service is usually £67 per month BUT you can now try it out for one month at HALF PRICE - just £33.50! To sign up you can either click here or click the PayPal button below.


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