Today we bought the FTSE to finish up binary at 12pm for a price of 13.
The signal target was 5933. No confirmation needed at the open for this as it was one of my stronger signals. Ideally I would have used a spread bet for this but given the Japanese news I was expecting some volatility at the open. The benefit with the binary is you can't get stopped out and can just focus on the target in hand.
I placed the trade early as I saw a good price. If I had waited the price may have vanished.
70% was removed to lock in as much profit when we reached 5933 and I left the remainder to run given my analysis for a bounce today. I was a little disappointed in the slow price rise from the binary but there you go.
I expect more selling into next week and I'll update you on Monday with the usual trading ideas.
Have a good weekend.
Kind regards
Mark Austin
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